簡良軒 助理教授




簡良軒 助理教授       辦公室:U635    分機: 2635       


  1. 中國醫藥大學,中國藥學暨中藥資源學系,博士

  2. 大仁科技大學,藥學系,碩士

  3. 大仁科技大學,藥學系,學士

  大仁科技大學 藥學系 助理教授


  1. 大仁科技大學 藥師補修中藥學分班 授課老師113.03.09~113.05.26
  2. 大仁科技大學 藥師補修中藥學分班 授課老師112.07.01~112.09.10

  3. 大仁科技大學藥學系 兼任講師112.02.01~112.07.31

  4. 衛生福利部旗山醫院 中西藥局 藥師106.03.01~108.04.01

  5. 景博科技有限公司 檢驗師 103.12.22~106.02.10

  6. 中華天然藥物學會 會員 105年~迄今

  7. 高雄市藥師公會 會員 106年~迄今



  1. 分子生物學

  2. 癌症生物學

  3. 中藥藥理

  4. 天然物活性評估

  5. 本草學及方劑學研究



 Journal Papers

  1. L.-H. Chien, J.S. Deng, W.P. Jiang, Y.N. Chou, J.G. Lin, G.J. Huang, Evaluation of lung protection of Sanghuangporus sanghuang through TLR4/NF-κB/MAPK, keap1/Nrf2/HO-1, CaMKK/AMPK/Sirt1, and TGF-β/SMAD3 signaling pathways mediating apoptosis and autophagy, Biomed Pharmacother 165 (2023) 115080.
  2. L.-H. Chien, J.-S. Deng, W.-P. Jiang, C.-C. Chen, Y.-N. Chou, J.-G. Lin, G.-J. Huang, Study on the potential of Sanghuangporus sanghuang and its components as COVID-19 spike protein receptor binding domain inhibitors, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 153 (2022) 113434.

  3. T.-K. Sun, W.-C. Huang, Y.-W. Sun, J.-S. Deng, L.-H. Chien, Y.-N. Chou, W.-P. Jiang, J.-G. Lin, G.-J. Huang, Schizophyllum commune Reduces Expression of the SARS-CoV-2 Receptors ACE2 and TMPRSS2, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(23) (2022) 14766.

  4. W.-H. Lin, W.-P. Jiang, C.-C. Chen, L.-Y. Lee, Y.-S. Tsai, L.-H. Chien, Y.-N. Chou, J.-S. Deng, G.-J. Huang, Renoprotective Effect of Pediococcus acidilactici GKA4 on Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury by Mitigating Inflammation and Oxidative Stress and Regulating the MAPK, AMPK/SIRT1/NF-κB, and PI3K/AKT Pathways, Nutrients 14(14) (2022) 2877.

  5. L.-H. Chien, C.-T. Wu, J.-S. Deng, W.-P. Jiang, W.-C. Huang, G.-J. Huang, Salvianolic Acid C Protects against Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury through Attenuation of Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Apoptotic Effects and Activation of the CaMKK–AMPK–Sirt1-Associated Signaling Pathway in Mouse Models, Antioxidants 10(10) (2021) 1620.


