Hsien-Feng Kung

Name / Position

Hsien-Feng Kung, Ph.D. / Associate Professor


Office Address

No.20, Weixin Rd., Yanpu Township, Pingtung County 90741, Taiwan, R.O.C.

E-mail: icupdrab@tajen.edu.tw

Tel: (886-8) 762-4002 ext 2507

Hsien-Feng Kung

Academic career


Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Tajen University 


Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Tajen University


Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Tajen University 


Lecturer, Department of Food Science and Technology, Tajen University




Graduate of Food Science, National Chung Hsing University


Graduate of Food Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology


Teaching Courses

Food Microbiology

Food Microbiology Lab.


Chemistry Lab.


Research Area

Food Microbiology

Food Safety and Sanitation

Food Biotechnology


Recent Publications

Refereed journals

1.      Chiu-Chu Hwang, Pei-Hui Tseng, Yi-Chen Lee, Hsien-Feng Kung, Chun-Yung Huang, Hwi-Chang Chen and Yung-Hsiang Tsai. Determination of histamine in Japanese spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius) meat implicated in a foodborne poisoning. Journal of Food Protection. 2019, in press (SCI).

2.      Hsien-Feng Kung, Yi-Chen Lee, Ya-Ling Huang, Yu-Ru Huang , Yi-Cheng Su and Yung-Hsiang Tsai.  Degradation of histamine by Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from miso products. Journal of Food Protection. 2017, 80(10), 1682-1688 (SCI).

3.      Hsien-Feng Kung, Yi-Chen Lee, Chiang-Wei Lin, Yu-Ru Huang, Chao-An Cheng, Chia-Min Lin, Yung-Hsiang Tsai.The effect of vacuum packaging on histamine changes of milkfish sticks at various storage temperatures. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. 2017, 25(4), 812-818 (SCI).

4.      Yi-Chen Lee, Yi-Fen Chen, Ya-Ling Huang, Hsien-Feng Kung, Tai-Yuan Chen, and Yung-Hsiang Tsai.  Hygienic quality, adulteration of pork and histamine production by Raoultella ornithinolytica in milkfish dumpling. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. 2016, 24(4),762-770 (SCI).

5.      Hsien-Feng Kung. Yi-Chen Lee. Ya-Ling Huang. Chun-Yung Huang. Chiu-Chu Hwang. Yung-Hsiang Tsai. Histamine formation in flying fish contaminated with Staphylococcus xylosus. International Aquatic Research. 2016, 8(3), 217-226.

6.      Yi-Chen Lee, Hsien-Feng Kung, Ya-Ling Huang, Chien-Hui Wu, Yu-Ru Huang and Yung-Hsiang Tsai.  Reduction of biogenic amines during miso fermentation by Lactobacillus plantarum as a starter culture. Journal of Food Protection. 2016, 79(9), 1556-1561 (SCI).

7.      Hsien-Feng Kung, Yi-Chen Lee, Ya-Leng Tseng, Ya-Ling Huang, Tai-Yuan Chen and Yung-Hsiang Tsai. Degradation of Histamine in Salted Fish Product by Halotolerant Bacillus Polymyxa. Journal of Food Safety. 2016, 36(3), 325-331 (SCI).

8.      Chung-Saint Lin, Hsien-Feng Kung, Chia-Min Lin, Hsin-Chuan Tsai and Yung-Hsiang Tsai. Histamine production by Raoultella ornithinolytica in mahi-mahi meat at various storage temperatures. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. 2016, 24(2), 305-310 (SCI).

9.      Yi-Chen Lee, Hsien-Feng Kung, Chien-Hui Wu, Huei-Mei Shiu; Hwi-Chang Chen, Tzou-Chi Huang, Yung-Hsiang Tsai. Determination of histamine in milkfish stick implicated in a foodborne poisoning. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. 2016, 24(1), 63-71 (SCI).

10.  Yi-Chen Lee, Hsien-Feng Kung, Chun-Yung Huang, Tzou-Chi Huang, Yung-Hsiang Tsai. Reduction of histamine and biogenic amines during salted fish fermentation by Bacillus polymyxa as a starter culture. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. 2016, 24(1), 157-163 (SCI).

11.  Hsien-Feng Kung, Chun-Yung Huang, Chia-Min Lin, Lon-Hsiu Liaw, Yi-Chen Lee, Yung-Hsiang Tsai. The histamine contents of dried flying fish products in Taiwan and the isolation of halotolerant histamine-forming bacteria. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. 2015, 23(2), 335-342 (SCI).

12.  Chung-Saint Lin, Hsin-Chuan Tsai, Chia-Min Lin, Chun-Yung Huang, Hsien-Feng Kung, Yung-Hsiang Tsai. Histamine content and histamine-forming bacteria in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) fillets and dried products. Food Control.2014, 42(2), 165-171 (SCI).





Conference Papers

1.          李憶甄、蕭韻庭、龔賢鳳、林仲聖、蔡書馨、蔡永祥(2018). 高壓加工技術對胡蘿蔔汁之品質影響. 107年度台灣食品科學技術學會第48次年會D019 (107.11.30  台北)

2.          李憶甄、謝靜瑜、曾湘媚、龔賢鳳、陳名倫、蔡永祥(2018). 高壓技術對組織胺生產菌Morganella morganiiPhotobacterium phosphoreum之殺菌作用. 107年度台灣食品科學技術學會第48次年會D020 (107.11.30  台北)

3.          黃秋菊、李憶甄、薛皓仁、鄭鴻輝、龔賢鳳、蔡永祥(2018). 鹽水漬低鹽虱目魚加工製程之建立. 107年度台灣食品科學技術學會第48次年會D022 (107.11.30  台北)

4.          李憶甄、林嬙薇、龔賢鳳、鄭朝安、王玟靜、蔡永祥(2017). 生鮮虱目魚產品之組織胺相關衛生品質探討. 106年度台灣食品科學技術學會第47次年會D035 (106.12.01  高雄)

5.          李憶甄、周安琪、黃俊勇、龔賢鳳、林仲聖、邱治瑋、蔡永祥(2017). 魷魚墨囊萃取物之生物活性評估. 106年度台灣食品科學技術學會第47次年會D036 (106.12.01  高雄)

6.          李憶甄、陳韶嵐、戴溢慶、龔賢鳳、王鐘毅、蔡永祥(2017). 高壓技術對組織胺生產菌之殺菌作用. 106年度台灣食品科學技術學會第47次年會D038 (106.12.01  高雄)

7.          Yung-Hsiang Tsai, Yi-Chen Lee, Hsien-Feng Kung and Pei-Hsiang Lee (2017). Histamine-Related Hygienic Quality and Adulteration with Pork or Poultry in Commercial Dried Fish Floss Products. Abstracts of International Association of Food Protection (IAFP), ( Tampa, Florida, USA. July 9-12, 2017)

8.          龔賢鳳、李憶甄、林嬙薇、曾湘媚、李志豪、鄭朝安、蔡永祥 (2016). 不同包裝及貯存條件對虱目魚柳衛生品質之變化.105年度台灣食品科學技術學會第46次年會D028 (105.12.02  台中)

9.          李穎宏、陳正敏、龔賢鳳、李憶甄、蔡永祥、李米兒、林怡如 (2016). 天然物抗菌力之探討.105年度台灣食品科學技術學會第46次年會D027 (105.12.02  台中)

10.      李憶甄、李志豪、鄭凱元、曾湘媚、龔賢鳳、黃珮瑜、蔡永祥 (2016). 魷魚墨囊萃取物之生物活性評估.105年度台灣食品科學技術學會第46次年會D026 (105.12.02  台中)

11.      李穎宏、陳正敏、李憶甄、蔡永祥、龔賢鳳 (2016).咖啡果肉(皮)成分鑑定及發酵探討.105年度台灣食品科學技術學會第46次年會C055 (105.12.02  台中)

12.      李憶甄、鄭凱元林仲聖、黃鈺茹龔賢鳳蔡永祥 (2015).開發快速簡易去除魷魚墨囊臭味之方法. 104年度台灣食品科學技術學會第45 次年會C004 (104.12.04  台北)

13.      龔賢鳳、李米兒、蔡永祥、李憶甄、李穎宏、李聰明 (2015). Lactobacillus plantarum 10357粗細菌素降低魚肉均質液中組織胺危害之應用 . 104年度食品衛生檢驗科技研討會論文發表會論文,PB-06p.120 (104.09.15-104.09.16  台北)

14.      李穎宏、陳志宗、龔賢鳳、蔡永祥、李聰明、李憶甄(2015). 不同加工處理對黑豆抗氧化力及機能性成分含量之影響. 104年度食品衛生檢驗科技研討會論文發表會論文,PB-06p.113 (104.09.15-104.09.16  台北)

15.      Hsien-Feng Kung, Chia-Ming Lin, Chung-Saint Lin, Yi-Chen Lee, Yu-Ru Huang, and Tsai, Yung-Hsiang (2015). A rapid polymerase chain reaction method for detection of gram-positive histamine-producing bacteria in seafood. Abstract of the IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, 125-005. (Chicago, USA. July 11-14, 2015)

16.      Lin Chia-Ming, Yung-Hsiang Tsai, Yi-Chen Lee, Hsien-Feng Kung, Chung-Saint Lin and Yu-Ru Huang (2015). Antibacterial and preservative effects of the film incorporated with thyme oil or the extract of lemon peels on marline fish. Abstract of the IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, 094-008. (Chicago, USA. July 11-14, 2015)

Yung-Hsiang Tsai, Yi-Chen Lee, Tzou-Chi Huang, Hsien-Feng Kung and Chia-Min Lin g Lin (2015). Determination of histamine in fried milkfish stick (Chanos chanos) implicated in a foodborne poisoning. Abstracts of International Association of Food Protection (IAFP), (Portland, US